We're in this thang together!

Where should I start? Let me first start by admitting, that for a long time, I’ve had difficulty in committing to anything; much less making it a priority to embrace a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise. The idea of commitment just seemed so permanent. For a person like me, who for a long time refused to limit myself to being responsible for just about anything, committing to exercise and fitness was definitely not on my priority list. Besides, I was a junk food junkie, and I just wasn’t having it. Having to sacrifice my chocolate? Oh no! This was not even an option. Although the way I view health and fitness has changed dramatically, I still have some junk food vices that I continue to entertain. Oh, I’m not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, and to be even more honest, I don’t do a great job of “eating clean.” Not that I am proud to admit it, I just want to keep it real with you ladies. I am on this journey with you. I look forward to learning from you, and am anxious to share with you some of what I’ve learned to be effective along my healthy lifestyle journey.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yesterday's Workout

Well let's see, yesterday, I was so tired after the gym, I crashed.  Not a whole lot to report. I ate 4 diet blueberry cookies (400 calories) while at work, when I got home from work, I ate 6 vienna sausages (200 calories), then I went to the gym, did 50 minutes on the ellipitical.  I has everything from Michael Jackson to Rick Ross on my ipod, so getting through those 50 minutes was a breeze.  When I finished, I burned 550 calories.  My weight training involved 3 sets of 15reps of bench press, 3 sets of 15 reps of butterfly press, 3 sets of 15 reps of pullovers, 3 sets of 15 reps of pulldowns, and 3 sets of 15 reps on dips (assisted).  So, all in all, I was in the gym for about 2 hours last night.  Chest and Triceps day is a relatively easy day for me,  Today will be long because it is back, bicep, and shoulder day.  I'll probably only do the stairmaster for about 30 minutes before I hit the weights. 

My evening meal consisted of leftovers of that pasta dish I told y'all about yesterday.  (400 calories), yes, I also had a glass of wine (120 calories), and for desert, (yes I said it), I had a Klondike ice cream sandwich.  That was a mistake y'all, but I told you I'd be completely honest with you.  That was a whooping 350 unnecessary calories.  My saving grace, (if there is one) is that I didn't drink any calories except for the wine.  I figure if I'm going to enjoy calories, at least let it be something I can chew up!  My total intake for the day was 1470, but I burned 550 in the gym, so, as far as my body is concerned, it received 920 calories. Not too bad. Oh, I wanted to share this calorie counter I found online.  The site is www.SparkPeople.com.  I find it really helpful if I'm trying to gauge my caloric intake for the day.  I guess I did okay except for that Klondike bar, but MAN, it was some kinda good! I ain't mad!  I'll holla at y'all later on today. Wish me luck on today's workout